8 VITALITY Spring 2024 Steve Keller holds a bag of medical supplies while knocking on the front door. When the door opens, he greets his patient, who tells him what has happened since his last visit. Keller pulls a blood pressure cuff, stethoscope and pulse oximeter out of his bag and takes the patient’s vital signs. His visit to the patient’s home harks back to the days when physicians made house calls. But Keller isn’t a doctor. He is a community paramedic, helping patients with the medical care they are otherwise unable to receive. Most of Keller’s 33-year career at CMH has been working on an ambulance, saving lives through emergency medical care. He focused on patients’ short-term needs and never knew what happened to them after the care he provided. His focus changed when CMH began its Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) program in 2023. “As a community paramedic, I get to develop relationships with my patients,” he says. “I can see that I am making a difference. I love it.” MIH is all about connections. Community paramedics build a rapport with patients as they learn their needs. Then, they work with transition care managers, community resource specialists and others at CMH to connect patients with medical care and other resources. Ryann Allen is the MIH care coordinator. She processes MIH referrals and answers patients’ questions. She calls patients to schedule MIH appointments and schedules virtual visits with providers. “We are an extension of the patients’ primary care providers and bring health care to them,” Allen says. Patients usually finish the program in 90 days or less, but they are equipped with new knowledge and resources for the future. Why is there a need for MIH services? Getting to a doctor can be difficult, if not impossible, for people who physically cannot leave their homes. They might not have transportation to get to a doctor’s office. If they can see a doctor, they still may not understand how or when to take their medications. Community paramedics lend a helping hand and empower patients to self-manage their chronic medical conditions. A new age of house calls Mobile Integrated Healthcare connects patients with medical care and other resources Mobile Integrated Healthcare gives reassurance not only to the health care team but, most important, to the patient and the community CMH serves.”