Citizens Memorial Hospital | Vitality | Summer 2024 9 S. Craig Morris, M.D. (left), is a board eligible orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine physician. Juris Simanis, M.D., is a board certified sports medicine physician. They work with athletic trainers to provide complete sports medicine care. Orthopedic walk-in care Have an injury that isn’t healing quickly? The CMH Orthopedic & Spine Center Walk-In Clinic provides non-emergency care for orthopedic injuries for children and adults, including: ● Fractures. ● Minor dislocations. ● ACL injuries. ● Overuse injuries. ● Foot, ankle, leg, knee, hip, shoulder, wrist and hand injuries. The clinic is in the Douglas Medical Center at 1155 W. Parkview St., Suite 2D, in Bolivar. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. No appointment is necessary, but you can use Save My Place to hold your place in line. Go to savemyplace for details. For more information about the CMH Orthopedic & Spine Center Walk-In Clinic, visit or call 417-777-2663. Safety first Stretching properly before exercising helps prevent injuries. It helps prepare your muscles and joints for being active. Physical therapist John Klass, with the CMH Willard Rehabilitation Clinic, demonstrates stretches to use before playing pickleball—or any sport. Visit “The benefit that comes from the cardiovascular workout and joy of playing exceeds the risk of injury,” Dr. Morris says. “So go play and have fun. If you do get injured, we will be here for you.” The experts at CMH Orthopedic & Spine Center treat orthopedic and spine conditions in people of all ages. Walk-in care is available from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Center is in the Douglas Medical Center at 1155 W. Parkview St., Suite 2D, in Bolivar. Call 417-777-2663 for more information.